After-School Classes

Join a class hosted at your student’s school.
Enter your program code below.

Helpful Tips

  • Your school will announce the meeting location on the first day. 
  • Students do not need prior experience to participate in on programs.
  • Make sure your student knows to attend our program on the first day.

Enter Your Program Code

By submitting this form, you agree to hold ASEP SoCal (After-School Enrichment Programs of Southern California), its agents, contractors, or employees harmless from any act of ordinary negligence, arising from any accident, injury, or damage whatsoever, however cause, to any person or persons, or the property of any person or persons, or corporations occurring during all the times the student is participating in the program up to and including the time when the student is released in the responsible party’s care.

ASEP SoCal reserves the right to implement a $20.00 charge for every 15 minutes that the responsible party is late picking up the student mentioned above. ASEP SoCal also reserves the right to withdraw any student from the program without refund, due to tardy pick-ups and/or misbehavior. No refunds will be issued after the second day of the program.

ASEP SoCal reserves the right to use photographs of students taken during program hours for use in marketing collateral and promotion of ASEP SoCal.